After 9 years as a stay at home mum I wanted a career I could easily fit in around my family. A friend suggested I retrain as a bookkeeper, however, due to family commitments it needed to be a course I could access online and at my own pace.
After googling the subject and looking at all the options available I chose McArthur online and have had no regrets in making that decision.   My timing was off to start with as I choose this new study path 2 months before lockdown and so my study time took a back seat for homeschooling.

However, I finally got back on track and completed the course this past week with a pass. Emma has been fantastic every step in the way answering my questions even on weekends and I found Jon’s online tutorials were well planned both in content and length. It also helps that he explains the information in a very easy to understand way for the absolute beginner.

In fact I was so impressed I am about to sign up to do a further course with them!

Mary Johnson